• John Nichols, President of the Tutors' Association, shares how schools can make use of the government's National Tutoring Programme

    Recovering lost education
  • With many schools having lost income due to coronavirus restrictions, Linda Unternahrer from The Key outlines what you can do now to raise money, and what to consider for the long term

    Recovering lost income after prolonged closure
  • MPBA's Jackie Maginnis considers how modern methods of construction can help school building projects get back on track post-pandemic

    Getting school building projects back on track
    Swansea University - credit: Wernick
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    The space to learn
  • With asbestos present in around 80 per cent of UK schools, Andrew Paten explains how schools can take the digital approach to asbestos management

    A digital approach to managing asbestos


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School Letting Solutions (SLS), which manages the hire of vacant school facilities to sports clubs and community groups, is being placed into administration due to the pandemic.

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The Welsh Government has published updated guidance to support higher education, further education and work-based providers as they prepare for the autumn term.

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Former Universities Minister Rt. Hon Chris Skidmore MP has been appointed a Trustee of the UPP Foundation, and has also agreed to Chair the Foundation’s Advisory Board.

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Schools in Scotland, which are due to re-open 11 August, will not automatically close if a pupil tests positive for coronavirus, the deputy first minister John Swinney has said.

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Government figures show the number of fixed-period exclusions has risen seven per cent - from 410,800 in 2017-18 up to 438,300 last year.

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The Scottish Government has said that schools will re-open full-time from 11 August, following scientific evidence that it is safe to do so.

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Two associations have come together to call on the DfE to initiate a sector-wide advisory group to formulate a national Initial Teaching Education (ITE) recovery response.

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The government has approved over 9,000 additional places at UK universities for courses that will deliver vital services and support the economy, such as engineering, science and nursing.



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John Nichols, President of the Tutors' Association, shares how schools can make use of the government's National Tutoring Programme


Recovering lost income after prolonged closure

With many schools having lost income due to coronavirus restrictions, Linda Unternahrer from The Key outlines what you can do now to raise money, and what to consider for the long term


Getting school building projects back on track

MPBA's Jackie Maginnis considers how modern methods of construction can help school building projects get back on track post-pandemic


The space to learn

Meeting guidelines around physical distancing is requiring schools to be innovative in how they deliver the curriculum and support pupil wellbeing

Project restart: building schools for the future

Adrian Hill explores how education authorities can address building and refurbishment delays during the ongoing pandemic as the construction industry looks to embrace new methods of project delivery.



With asbestos present in around 80 per cent of UK schools, Andrew Paten explains how schools can take the digital approach to asbestos management

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